ELTON SAILING CLUB ELTON RESERVOIRSundays between 8th January and 26th February inclusive Open series 2 races per day in January and 3 races per day in February are scheduled First race 1200hrs Entry Fee £35 for non members
Sundays between 8th January and 26th February inclusive Open series 2 races per day in January and 3 races per day in February are scheduled First race 1200hrs Entry Fee £35 for non members
Sundays between 8th January and 26th February inclusive Open series 2 races per day in January and 3 races per day in February are scheduled First race 1200hrs Entry Fee £35 for non members
Sundays between 8th January and 26th February inclusive Open series 2 races per day in January and 3 races per day in February are scheduled First race 1200hrs Entry Fee £35 for non members