Dear Member – Marine Radios
Those of you lucky enough to have been selected for future race duties may be happy to find out that our radio system has reverted back to using the marine band. Although expensive to operate and license compared to the ‘free’ PMR system it does give better performance especially during poor conditions when it is likely to be most needed.
Operation of the base station unit is pretty self explanatory with only 3 functional button; Power and Channel M1 or Channel M2 selection.
Channel M1 is the preferred channel to use so ensure that this is selected on the base unit and that the handheld radios are locked to channel M1 before use. It is wise to carry out a radio check before venturing onto the water. Do not attempt to use the handheld radios on any channels other than M1 or M2 since this would be in contravention of our operating license and could leave the club or unlicensed individuals liable to a very heavy fine if OFCOM decide to come sailing.
Thanks to Paul Savage for his help organising the base station.
Peter Finney